It's official: Chris is on his way to Bahrain. :-( It was so hard to say goodbye and we're going to miss each other a bunch. We had a wonderful month together and he was such a HUGE help and blessing with the baby. From changing diapers to feeding her, he was such a hands on dad. And to me, there is nothing sexier than watching Chris be a father!
I originally had my 6 week check-up scheduled for November 18th and Charlotte had hers scheduled for November 12th, but after looking over the medical release forms that will get Charlotte and I to Bahrain, we saw that we can get our medical clearances done at 4 weeks instead of 6! So today I called the doctor's office and rescheduled our appointments for November 5th. This means Charlotte and I may be leaving the states a few weeks earlier than originally anticipated, but it also means we'll be reunited with Chris sooner than expected!! Yes, it's bittersweet. I've LOVED being home and will be so incredibly sad to leave my family, friends, and American culture! At the same time, Charlotte and I need and want to be with Chris and would like to make that happen as soon as possible.
But please be praying for us while we're apart. I'm not looking forward to doing the parenting thing alone and I know Chris is going to struggle being away from us. God's grace is sufficient, and I know we'll get through this since He doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Nonetheless, I'd appreciate your prayers very much!!
1 month ago