Modern Day Pilgrims

Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation Pictures, Part 3 and 9 Month Photo Shoot

Vacation is going great. Charlotte and I are currently in Michigan and Chris has made his way back to Bahrain and into a normal routine at work. Charlotte and I will be staying in the states for at least 2 1/2 more weeks. The original plan was to leave in the middle of September, but since we're already missing Chris terribly, we may be leaving a little sooner. I'm still thinking it through and trying to decide what to do. If we leave early, I'll miss a good friend's wedding, I won't get to see my brother-in-law's family who lives in Utah, and I'll have to put up with Ramadan and the hot weather in Bahrain. But on the plus side, we'd be reunited with Chris sooner.

Since we've been on vacation, I didn't get time to "formally" sit down and get Charlotte's 9-month pictures like I normally do. Please consider the following pictures her "9 month pictures". Hopefully I'll do better next month.

You may also have noticed that the blog looks a little different! When I signed on the other day, there was a notice saying that my blog background would disappear because the website I took it from was removing it from their free blog backgrounds. So I was forced to change it. We'll see if the new design warms up on me. Otherwise I'll be changing it again!

At my in-laws lake cabin in Michigan

At my in-laws lake cabin in Michigan

Eating sand...she'll put anything in her mouth these days

Aunt Jenniy trying to give Charlotte a bath. She wasn't exactly cooperating!

A punk hairstyle Aunt Jenniy gave Charlotte after her bath. Too cute!

Charlotte's first boat ride.

At the Premier Designs 2010 rally. This was on patriotic day, so everyone wore red, white, and/or blue

My mother-in-law and I went shopping and took Charlotte and Macie (Charlotte's cousin) with us. We proved you can run errands and go shopping with little ones! They did pretty good and completely crashed on the way home!

Macie and Charlotte love to climb stairs. Here they are at the top of the stairs in matching t-shirts that say, "No rules at Grandma's".

Charlotte loves these stuffed animals. She smashes them in her face and it's so cute.

Cousins Charlotte and Macie in matching outfits before a day at the zoo.

Charlotte and Macie in the double stroller. I'm sure people thought they were twins!

It ended up pouring down rain and we all got drenched! The babies were good sports and I think really enjoyed being wet. It made for a short day at the zoo, though!

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