Modern Day Pilgrims

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Little Rest & Relaxation

Our summer vacation starts tonight! We are leaving Bahrain this evening, and I feel a little overwhelmed. It seems like today snuck up on us even though we've had it planned for awhile. I should probably be getting things ready instead of typing another post for the blog! We're a little nervous about how Charlotte will do on the flight, but we're hoping for the best. We're going to take a direct flight from Bahrain to Washington D.C. and then down to Miami, so it's going to be one long stretch of flying from here to the states. We have plenty of formula and snacks packed to hopefully help if Charlotte gets fussy on the flight, but we're hoping she sleeps. I posted the map above to give you an idea of where we'll be. We'll get to see 8 of the 50 beautiful states - mostly in the heartland. Chris has to leave after stop #7, and the remaining stops are for Charlotte and I. Chris only gets to stay for 3 weeks, but Charlotte and I will be in the states until September (yay!!!).

I cannot wait to be home sweet home again!

1 comment:

  1. soooooo excited! :) do you think we can meet up for a little photo shoot for miss charlotte!? how fun would that be!? miss you!
