Modern Day Pilgrims

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Only in the Middle East

I was flipping through a local magazine the other day to see if I could find anything to put in the newsletter I edit, and I stumbled across this ad, which absolutely cracked me up. I'm used to seeing ads like this in American magazines, and I'm sure that's what this company was trying to imitate, but there's one problem. We're in the Middle East. Things are much more modest here. Having the model don a bikini (or even something that's more form fitting) would not be considered appropriate. As a result, the model looks the same in her "after" photo as she does in her "before", and taking off her abaya doesn't really help, as I'm assuming the creators of this ad thought it would. Maybe if you're Middle Eastern you can see the difference. I can't, which makes this ad entirely too ridiculous and funny.

Click on this photo to make it bigger.

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